Quality not Quantity

As I continue on this journey through module three and my research project, what keeps being confirmed to me is the well known adage of "the more you learn, the less you know". This is something that has arisen throughout my time on the MAPP course and as I continue reading literature pertaining to my research topic I am continually being led down roads or further reading on associated topics. But when should I stop? It was made very clear that when researching a chosen subject over 10 weeks there will always be a constraint on the amount of research one can achieve and the detail one can go into in a realistic time-frame. I see this research project as a tree forming on the surface with the roots being the theories and literature I am coming across to support and substantiate it's existence. Further reading leads to further growth and further off-shoots into subjects I never realised could relate to my field. These roots could keep going on forever encompassing ...